Struggling with Time Management? Discover the To-Don’t List and Take Control




to-don't list hero

When it comes to productivity and managing your time effectively, it’s always things you should be doing:

  • Take frequent breaks to maintain focus
  • Make sure you’re getting enough sleep 
  • Do this XYZ technique 
  • Focus on your to-do list

But…Have you ever considered creating a ‘To-Don’t list’? 

A To-Don’t list helps us identify unproductive habits and thought patterns, enabling us to improve our productivity, relationships, emotional stability, and overall happiness. 

If you find yourself struggling to stay productive amidst the chaos of everyday life or, you’re tired of unproductive habits that creep into your daily routine then To-Don’t list might be just what you need.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to create and maintain a To-Don’t list, along with a list of 22 Don’t-List ideas to get you started.

What Is a To-Don’t List?

So, before we dive into the fun stuff, let’s first describe exactly what a To-Don’t list is:

A To-Don’t list is a powerful tool designed to help you identify and eliminate activities that can drain your energy, motivation, and productivity. It serves as a constant reminder of the unhealthy habits or distractions that we need to avoid in order to maintain a more balanced, efficient, and fulfilling life.

Think of a To-Don’t list as the complete opposite of a to-do list – which is exactly what it is. 

While a to-do list helps us plan and prioritize our tasks, a To-Don’t list helps you stay focused by steering clear of potential roadblocks. The idea is simple: by consciously avoiding specific behaviors or distractions, we can create more space and time for what truly matters.

For instance, if you struggle with the constant temptation to check social media or respond to non-urgent emails. 

clock crashing down

You could try adding “Don’t spend more than 15 minutes on social media” to the To-Don’t list. By doing this, you’re setting yourself up for success with clear boundaries. This boundary will help you prioritize your work and focus on what’s important. 

By recognizing and eliminating your productivity pitfalls, you’ll be better equipped to manage your time and achieve your goals. 

So, are you ready to create your own To-Don’t list and unlock your full potential?

Creating and Personalizing a To-Don’t List

The key to unlocking the full potential of a To-Don’t list lies in your level of self-awareness and the ability to tailor the list to suit your individual needs. 

No two people are the same, and neither are their productivity pitfalls. 

That’s why it’s essential to take the time to reflect on your habits, patterns, and personal distractions to customize your To-Don’t list accordingly.

One effective method to begin this process is to conduct an end-of-the-day review. For an effective end-of-day review technique, check out our article on the Done-List

Whilst you’re carrying out your review, take a moment to evaluate your daily activities and ask yourself: 

“What tasks or habits sidetracked me today? What behaviors kept me from achieving my goals?” 

woman thinking about what sidetracker her today

By doing this, you’ll gain valuable insights into your personal distractions and can create a To-Don’t list that targets your unique challenges.

Here are some of the things that I have on my personal Don’t-List.

  • Don’t drink any coffee after 1 PM 
  • Don’t forget to spend quality time with loved ones, even if it is just a phone call
  • Don’t spend too much time playing video games 

Remember, the goal is to create a list that addresses your specific needs and pain points, helping you to stay focused and achieve your goals more efficiently. 

With a personalized To-Don’t list in hand, you’ll be better prepared to navigate the challenges of freelancing, being an employee, or running a business.

But don’t worry, if you’re struggling with what to put on your don’t list, we have a list of 22 ideas at the end of this article to help you out!

Benefits of a To-Don’t List

A well-crafted To-Don’t list can have a profound impact on your productivity and work habits. 

While there is no scientific evidence specifically on to-don’t lists, the concept of avoiding unproductive activities and temptations is supported by research on goal achievement and productivity.

Here are some of the key benefits we’ve experienced when implementing a To-Don’t List:

Improved Time Management

By identifying and avoiding time-consuming and energy-draining activities, we’ve been able to make more efficient use of our time. For instance, restricting social media consumption during work hours has helped us manage our daily schedules more effectively.

Better Energy and Focus

Being more conscious of our energy levels and optimal work times has allowed us to make smarter decisions about when and how to tackle our tasks. Check out our article on finding your Biological Prime Time for exactly how we did this.

Our To-Don’t list has helped identify unhealthy patterns, such as excessive task-switching, which can lead to issues with time management. By addressing these patterns, we’ve increased our focus and overall productivity.

Did you know that it takes a whopping 23 minutes and 15 seconds to regain concentration after being distracted? That means that if you’re task switching 3,4, or 5 times a day, you’re wasting up to 2 hours of valuable time simply getting into the swing of things on a new task.

Increased Sense of Accomplishment

Let’s discuss how a To-Don’t List can serve as a powerful tool to help you optimize your time and energy

Successfully avoiding items on your To-Don’t list provides you with positive reinforcement. By celebrating these small victories, you’re able to maintain a more consistent level of motivation throughout the day.

a women celebrating in her office

All too often we focus on the larger goals and achievements in life, which can be draining because they’re long-term, and take a lot of time, effort, and commitment to achieve. 

There are plenty of studies out there about the benefits of practicing delayed gratification and an opposing stigma that instant gratification is bad. But who’s to say we can’t tap into that dopamine release you get from instant gratification, in a structured, more positive way by rewarding yourself for short-term, small wins. 

The next time you get through the day successfully completing (or not completing) your to-don’t list, give yourself a reward for doing so. Have dessert after dinner, treat yourself to a wine and film night, arrange a last-minute meet-up with some friends, or whatever you want. 

Limitations of a To-Don’t List

While a To-Don’t list can be an effective tool in boosting productivity and work habits, it’s important to acknowledge that it has a few limitations.

Not a Replacement for a To-Do List

A To-Don’t list is not meant to replace your typical to-do list. 

Instead, it should be viewed as a complementary tool that helps you streamline your daily priorities and avoid potential pitfalls. It’s still essential to maintain a to-do list to ensure that you stay on track with your tasks and achieve your goals.

I don’t know about you but, I’d be completely lost without my to-do list!

Best Used as a Complementary Tool

As mentioned above, a To-Don’t list is most effective when used alongside other productivity tools and techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, Timeboxing, or the Eisenhower Matrix

A To-Don’t list by itself isn’t a very effective productivity tool. It’s imperative to Integrate your To-Don’t list with other preferred productivity strategies.

Need for Constant Reminders

Implementing a To-Don’t list requires a degree of self-discipline and constant reminders. 

It’s crucial to keep your list visible and refer to it throughout the day to stay on track. Consistency is key when it comes to avoiding activities that have the potential to derail your productivity.

Difficulties in Breaking Ingrained Habits

Changing ingrained habits can be challenging, and the To-Don’t list is no exception. 

It’s important to be patient with yourself and recognize that breaking old habits takes time and persistence. As you progress, you may need to refine your list and reassess which items are truly hindering your productivity and focus.

22 Don’t-List Ideas to Get You Started

What you put on your To-Don’t list is completely personal and will be unique for everyone. 

We’ve listed 22 ideas that you can take a look at and use as inspiration. 

The list has been broken down into life areas:

The Don’t List for a Better Outlook in Life

A crucial aspect of personal growth and productivity is cultivating a positive and forward-thinking outlook on life. Here are some potential don’ts that you can add to your list:

1. Don’t Look at Things From a Short-Term Perspective

By adopting a more holistic approach to life, you can make more informed decisions and avoid getting bogged down in minor details. 

2. Don’t Conform to What Everyone Else Does

Embrace your uniqueness and challenge yourself to stand out from the crowd. By avoiding the temptation to follow the same path as others, you open yourself up to new opportunities and experiences.

3. Don’t Get Carried Away by Mediocrity

It’s easy to settle for less, but it’s crucial to stand up for your principles and raise your expectations. 

Whether you’re setting annual or quarterly goals, push yourself to aim higher and strive for excellence.

The Don’t List That’ll Improve Your Productivity and Time Management

In the realm of productivity and time management, adopting certain ‘don’ts’ can make a significant difference in how efficiently you manage your tasks and achieve your goals. 

4. Don’t Spend Too Much Time on Your To-Do List

Spending more than 15 minutes planning out your day is probably a waste of time. 

While it’s important to have a plan, spending more than 15 minutes creating your daily to-do list may be counterproductive. Your daily to-do list should be super easy to determine if you’ve planned your week out correctly

5. Don’t Try to Conquer Everything in a Single Leap

It’s crucial to break your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Taking small, consistent steps toward your goals allows you to make steady progress and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

6. Don’t Focus On Past Problems

Dwelling on the past is the worst use of your brain capacity. Instead, learn from the past and use those valuable lessons to progress forward and work on your future. 

7. Don’t Let Your Mind Wander in Free Moments

Use free moments for productive thinking, reading, or meditation. 

Rather than letting your thoughts drift during downtime, avoid thinking about mundane topics like what’s on tv later, what you’re going to buy from the shops tomorrow, or what you’re having for dinner. Use these moments for productive thinking or reading. 

Engaging in activities that align with your goals and interests can help maintain momentum and foster personal growth.

The Don’t List for Better Relationships

Maintaining healthy relationships is an essential aspect of your personal and professional life. After all, what’s the point in being the most productive successful person if you have nobody to share your successes with? 

two women deep in conversation

By incorporating some key ‘don’ts’ into your To-Don’t list, you can ensure that you nurture and develop strong connections with those around you.

8. Don’t Let Emotions Get the Better of You in Tense Situations

By maintaining strength of character and avoiding emotional outbursts you can prevent damaging your relationships. 

Especially when the majority of that anger is coming from being food deprived. We often have small fallouts because we’re hangry. It’s always quickly resolved when one of us suggests getting some food!

If you struggle to manage your emotions, try some mindfulness meditation (we use Calm), and be sure to practice effective communication techniques to help you navigate your way through difficult, emotional situations. 

9. Don’t Ignore Loved Ones, Family, and Friends

It’s all too easy to neglect your loved ones when you’re on your grind to success – that drive to ‘make it’ overrules anything and anyone else in life.

This is the kind of work ethic we completely condone – check out our full article on the toxicity of hustle culture.

It’s not difficult to make an effort to spend quality time with your close ones on a daily basis. Just set aside some time every day to be absolutely present in that moment. This investment of time and energy will significantly strengthen your relationships.

10. Don’t Let Pet Peeves Ruin Relationships

As a couple that co-owns and runs multiple businesses, we know the importance of not letting small issues turn into big ones.

The best way to prevent little annoyances from becoming full-on arguments and fallouts that have the potential to ruin relationships is to find ways to communicate effectively.

Although it’s natural to have small annoyances, focus on finding good ways to communicate and let go of less important obsessions. Remember that relationships require understanding, patience, and compromise.

11. Don’t Be a Slave Driver

This one is for all you business owners and managers out there. Know the importance of a balanced work schedule and rest for your team.

Fostering a positive work environment and encouraging a healthy work-life balance can lead to greater productivity and employee satisfaction.

12. Don’t Deny Your Emotions

Acknowledging and reflecting on your feelings is crucial for personal growth, building relationships, and your mental health.

Find appropriate ways to express your emotions and seek support when needed.

13. Don’t Hold On to Hate

a man letting go of hate

Embrace the importance of forgiveness for letting go of negative emotions and moving forward. Holding onto resentment can hinder personal growth and damage relationships.

Instead, learn to focus on the positives and you’ll generally have a better outlook on life. 

The Ultimate Don’t List for Personal Development

Personal development is a lifelong journey that requires continuous effort, reflection, and growth. By incorporating some key ‘don’ts’ into your To-Don’t list, you can foster a mindset that allows you to thrive and reach your full potential.

14. Don’t Be Lazy

You can’t develop as a person by binge-watching Netflix…. Unless you run a successful blog that reviews Netflix programs – which I doubt is the case. 

Now I’m not saying that you can’t EVER watch Netflix or, indulge in whatever it might be that you like to do in your downtime. But, you have to go at it with some moderation

And when the time comes to get work done, you need to be emphasizing determination and discipline to achieve your goals and dreams. This can be achieved by cultivating good habits and a strong worth ethic.

15. Don’t Cower From Life’s Necessary Challenges

Embrace and accept past chapters in your life, recognizing that they have shaped who you are today. Use these experiences as opportunities for learning and growth.

Just take a look at us – before we landed our first successful business doing freelance copywriting, we tried Amazon FBA and dropshipping, both of which failed miserably. But, we learned from those mistakes and took them as life lessons to get to where we are today. 

16. Don’t Just Take the Default Path

lots of people taking one path and a singular person taking another path on their own

If everyone followed the same path and did the same thing, the world would be a bleak and boring place. Strive to be unique and follow your own path in life.

Food for thought: Do you think some of the world’s greatest got to where they are today by doing what everyone else was doing?

17. Don’t Wait for the Perfect Time

The perfect time to do anything is now.

“I’ll start on Monday is the biggest killer of dreams”

Because it’s true. All too often people put things off again and again until one day it’s simply too late. Seize opportunities and make the most of your current circumstances.

18. Don’t Make Everything Seem Like a Chore

Frame life as a privilege and cultivate gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that come your way – even if they do seem pretty mundane. Embrace positivity and adopt an optimistic outlook on life.

19. Don’t Try to Be Perfect and Flawless

Let go of perfectionism and focus on being prepared and giving your best effort. Understand that mistakes and setbacks are part of the learning process.

20. Don’t Be Too Nice

Set boundaries and learn to say no when necessary. Prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy balance between helping others and looking after yourself.

This is exceptionally important in business if you work with clients. It’s all too easy to not set the required boundaries and clients take advantage. Check out our article on mistakes freelancers make so that you don’t fall into the same traps that we did. 

The Don’t List That’ll Put an End to Time Wasters

In our fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to get caught up in distractions that can consume precious hours of our day. By identifying and limiting time wasters, we can reclaim valuable time and focus on what truly matters. 

Here are some common time wasters and tips for keeping them in check:

21. Don’t Spend Too Much Time on Social Networks

The first, and most obvious one to go on the list – limit social media usage. 

While social media can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, it’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole of endless scrolling. Likewise, if parts of your business revolve around social media it’s also easy to fall down that rabbit hole. 

There are a few ways that you can avoid this though.

If you’re using social media for your business, try using it on the computer instead of doing it from your phone. it makes it feel more like work than scrolling.

If you find yourself scrolling on your phone for absolutely no reason and you don’t use social media for your business, Apple has great features to set time limits on apps. 

Alternatively, there’s a really cool app called ‘One Sec.’ The app basically makes you wait every time you try and open up a social media platform and gives you a message to actually think about why you’re going on the app.

I found that whenever I got this pause and message, it made me take a second thought as to what I’m actually doing with my life right now. Usually resulting in me closing the app and continuing what I was supposed to be doing… 95% of the time (come on, we’re not all perfect!)

There’s also an app for the computer called Cold Turkey which blocks websites, games, and applications whilst you’re trying to work.

22. Don’t Spend Too Much Time on Gadgets, Toys, and Games

Now, I must admit, this is my kryptonite, especially since the rise of ChatGPT. I could spend hours and hours playing around with it, investigating how other people are using it, what limits can be pushed, its capabilities etc.

BUT, spending too much time on gadgets and toys that don’t have any positive impact on your goals and dreams can definitely have a negative impact on your life.

For one, it won’t get you any closer to your goals and, can also lead to other issues like disconnection from the real work. 

Like most things in life, go at it with moderation. 

To-Don’t List FAQs

What is a To-Don’t List and how does it differ from a To-Do List?

A To-Don’t List is a list of activities or habits that you should avoid to enhance productivity and well-being, while a To-Do List is a list of tasks you need to complete.

How can I create an effective To-Don’t List?

Identify activities that waste your time or negatively impact your well-being, and prioritize eliminating those from your daily routine.

Can a To-Don’t List help with personal development?

Yes, a To-Don’t List helps you let go of unproductive habits, ultimately aiding in personal growth and self-improvement.

How can a To-Don’t List contribute to giving back?

By focusing on eliminating selfish or unhelpful behaviors, a To-Don’t List encourages a more compassionate and proactive approach to life.

Will a To-Don’t List improve my peace of mind?

Yes, by reducing stress and decluttering your mental space, a To-Don’t List promotes peace of mind and overall well-being.

What are some examples of activities I should include in my To-Don’t List?

Examples include excessive social media use, procrastination, overthinking past mistakes, and neglecting self-care.

How can I maintain consistency with my To-Don’t List?

Regularly review and update your list, and hold yourself accountable by setting reminders or sharing your progress with a friend or mentor.

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