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Who’s Behind the Business Growth Diaries?

Connor and Emma

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  • 16 Inspirational Areas for Goal Setting – Business Growth Diaries

    16 Inspirational Areas for Goal Setting – Business Growth Diaries

    Research shows that people who set goals are ten times more successful than those who don’t. But it’s not just about setting any goals; it’s about setting the right goals. We’ve got 16 goal-setting ideas to get your creative cogs turning. TL;DR Personal Development: Professional and Financial: Health and Wellness: Social and Community: Leisure and…

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  • What Is the Difference Between Setting a Goal and Creating a Habit?

    What Is the Difference Between Setting a Goal and Creating a Habit?

    We often hear the terms “habits” and “goals” in the context of personal development. But do we really understand the difference between these two concepts?  Setting a goal involves defining a specific, desired outcome to achieve in the future. On the other hand, creating a habit involves establishing a regular pattern of behavior that becomes…

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  • Why Can’t I Stick to Any Goals?

    Why Can’t I Stick to Any Goals?

    Did you know that the art of setting goals and the science of following through with them aren’t necessarily linked? Fascinating, right? Today, we’re diving deep into the psyche, patterns, and habits to answer that burning question: Why can’t I stick to any goals? Common Reasons People Struggle with Goal-Setting Should we just accept that…

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  • Why the 40-Hour Workweek Is So Out and Creating Your Optimal Work Schedule Is So In

    Why the 40-Hour Workweek Is So Out and Creating Your Optimal Work Schedule Is So In

    Back in the day, the 40-hour workweek was kinda genius and actually based on data about productivity. Nowadays? It’s an archaic notion that isn’t serving us. Stick around and I’ll tell you why, and what to do instead as a freelancer trying to master time management. Who Invented the 40-Hour Workweek? Henry Ford didn’t just…

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  • How Many Goals Should You Set at Once? The Secret to Success!

    How Many Goals Should You Set at Once? The Secret to Success!

    There’s no questioning that setting goals is a fundamental part of personal growth and achievement. Without them, we’re like a ship drifting at sea with no destination.  Goals guide us – they provide direction and purpose in our lives.  But, how many goals are enough? What is the answer to the age-old question “how many…

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  • How We Calculated Our Biological Prime Time for Peak Work Performance

    How We Calculated Our Biological Prime Time for Peak Work Performance

    In today’s fast-paced world, we all strive to make the most of our days, don’t we?  Being productive is what moves the needle on our goals and leads to a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. What if I told you that the key to unlocking your full potential might lie in understanding your own,…

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