Time Management

  • Why the 40-Hour Workweek Is So Out and Creating Your Optimal Work Schedule Is So In

    Why the 40-Hour Workweek Is So Out and Creating Your Optimal Work Schedule Is So In

    Back in the day, the 40-hour workweek was kinda genius and actually based on data about productivity. Nowadays? It’s an archaic notion that isn’t serving us. Stick around and I’ll tell you why, and what to do instead as a freelancer trying to master time management. Who Invented the 40-Hour Workweek? Henry Ford didn’t just…

  • How We Calculated Our Biological Prime Time for Peak Work Performance

    How We Calculated Our Biological Prime Time for Peak Work Performance

    In today’s fast-paced world, we all strive to make the most of our days, don’t we?  Being productive is what moves the needle on our goals and leads to a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. What if I told you that the key to unlocking your full potential might lie in understanding your own,…

  • Struggling with Time Management? Discover the To-Don’t List and Take Control

    Struggling with Time Management? Discover the To-Don’t List and Take Control

    When it comes to productivity and managing your time effectively, it’s always things you should be doing: But…Have you ever considered creating a ‘To-Don’t list’?  A To-Don’t list helps us identify unproductive habits and thought patterns, enabling us to improve our productivity, relationships, emotional stability, and overall happiness.  If you find yourself struggling to stay…

  • Master Your Time and Energy with the Flowtime Technique!

    Master Your Time and Energy with the Flowtime Technique!

    Finding the balance between work and our personal lives is crucial for our well-being in today’s face paced world. Time management plays a significant role in achieving this balance. But, did you know that a staggering 82% of people lack a formal time management system?  We introduce to you, the Flowtime Technique –  a simple…

  • Eisenhower Matrix: The Secret to Prioritizing Tasks Effectively

    Eisenhower Matrix: The Secret to Prioritizing Tasks Effectively

    “The key to success lies not in mere busyness, but in effective time management and prioritization.”  Enter the Eisenhower Matrix – a powerful task management tool designed to help you focus on what truly matters and make the most of your valuable time. In this article, we’ll explore the difference between being busy and being…

  • The Inbox Zero Method: Unlock the Secret to Email Mastery

    The Inbox Zero Method: Unlock the Secret to Email Mastery

    Are you tired of staring at a cluttered inbox with hundreds of unread messages?  Do you feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of emails you receive every day?  Then it sounds like you need to learn about the Inbox Zero method.  As much as we might move to, there’s no avoiding email – both personally…

  • The Pareto Principle for Time Management: Does It Actually Work?

    The Pareto Principle for Time Management: Does It Actually Work?

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed with your workload?  Struggle to manage your time effectively?  Well, the Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule may hold the key to boosting your productivity and efficiency.  The Pareto Principle is a concept developed by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto in the early 20th century. The concept states that…

  • Timeboxing: The Simple Time Management Technique to Reclaim Your Time

    Timeboxing: The Simple Time Management Technique to Reclaim Your Time

    “There are not enough hours in the day” “I can’t focus on my work right now” “I always get distracted” Sound familiar? Then why not try timeboxing to help you take back control of your time? Stick around and we’ll go over what it is, the benefits, drawbacks, and how to implement it into your…

  • Kanban Time Management – The Key to Unlocking Your Productivity Potential

    Kanban Time Management – The Key to Unlocking Your Productivity Potential

    Ever feel like you start loads of projects and tasks but leave so many of them hanging, unfinished? Or sit down to start your day and don’t know what needs your focus? The Kanban workflow management method is perfect to maintain your focus, keep complete visibility over your projects, and allocate your time to the…