Traveling the world, running a business that travels with us

From starting side hustles, to full-time freelancing, to living on the road as digital nomads, we’ve been through it all.

We started this blog to share the tips that keep us productive, the planning that keeps us organized, and how we balance it all without burning out.

Spoiler: that includes all the things we’ve done right and all the expensive mistakes we’ve made along the way.

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Our Story

One of our biggest goals was to travel the world – and we couldn’t do that in our 9-5s. So in 2019 we set out to replace our income and build a business we could run from anywhere.

We tried Amazon FBA and dropshipping before the pandemic cut our endeavors short. That’s when we started our journey into freelancing – to create a business that doesn’t rely on delivering physical products.

By 2022 we jumped in with 2 feet and incorporated our company, specializing in SEO and

Meet The Team


picture of emma

My favorite thing about writing? Un-learning everything they taught me in school. Cutting the BS, removing the fluff and saying what I actually mean with personality.

As an Economics grad, I expected to go work in an investment bank or be an accountant…but I can’t do that from a beach in Thailand.

After 2 years of working from home (thank you covid), I was itching to get away from my dining table/makeshift home office. And this blog is how we did it.


picture of connor

With a degree in mechanical engineering and a full time grad job under my belt, I immediately knew the 9-5 life wasn’t for me.

Busting my balls for someone else to make millions? No thanks.

No degree or full time job prepared me for life as a freelancer and business owner, that’s why I’m here sharing what I’ve learned.

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